
Immeuble Malak center boulevard de la terre, Centre urbain Nord Tunis. En face de la faculté INSAT.

+216 21 037 420

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These Terms and Conditions apply to your access to the website, as well as your use of the services offered on the HELLOWEB Site. By using any service or product provided by HELLOWEB, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and accepted our Terms and Conditions.

1. Termes and Conditions

You must read and accept these Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy, the Acceptable Use Policy, and other applicable policies for other services.

By accessing and continuing to use the HELLOWEB website, you confirm that you agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, please do not access or use the HELLOWEB website.

2- Account Creation

You agree to keep your contact information up to date. You can modify your contact information from the Client Area.

You can create an account by filling out the form provided on the website.

3- Account Maintenance and Security

You agree to use your account only for legal purposes, and you accept full responsibility for the content and data of your account.

You accept full responsibility for any activity in your account. You agree to notify HELLOWEB immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or any security breach. You agree that HELLOWEB is not responsible for any loss you may incur due to third-party use of your Account Access Data, whether you know about it or not. You also agree that you may be held responsible for losses incurred by HELLOWEB or a third party due to third-party use of your Account Access Data. HELLOWEB encourages you to keep your Account Access Data in a secure place.

Although HELLOWEB takes several measures to increase the availability and reliability of data stored on its servers, you agree to keep your own backups of all your data stored on HELLOWEB servers and not to hold HELLOWEB responsible for any loss, error, or service interruption, whether within HELLOWEB's control or not.

4- Content Responsibility

You agree to be the only responsible for the content stored on your hosting accounts. Additionally, you accept full responsibility for activity in your account, whether initiated by you, by others on your behalf, or through any other means. HELLOWEB denies any responsibility for any activity in your account, whether permitted by you or not.

5- Backup Copies

HELLOWEB performs courtesy automatic backup copies for most web hosting accounts. However, backup copies cannot be guaranteed, and HELLOWEB cannot be held responsible for any loss or deficiency in the backup service. To limit system load, automatic backups may be disabled by HELLOWEB at its own discretion and without prior notice.

The customer can perform a manual backup copy of their account from the server, but agrees not to retain a manual backup copy on the server for more than 7 days.

6- Server Availability Guarantee

HELLOWEB understands the importance of having a website continuously available and guarantees server availability (uptime).

Any announced downtime or downtime due to scheduled maintenance will not be counted towards uptime calculations. Downtime due to internet network conditions beyond our control, or errors in client web application programming or configuration, will also not be counted towards uptime calculations.

7- Force Majeure

HELLOWEB will make every effort to keep its website and services operational. However, certain technical difficulties and other factors beyond its control may occasionally cause temporary service interruptions. You agree not to hold HELLOWEB responsible for the consequences of such interruptions.

8- Trademarks and Copyright

The names HELLOWEB, HWT, HELLOWEB Tunisie, HELLOWEB.TN, as well as the logos associated with these names, are trademarks of HELLOWEB. Any use of these trademarks is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of HELLOWEB.